The Coherence System

The Coherence System was developed out of over 7 years of research dedicated to the human experience. Throughout history, human beings have been continually drawn to the same unanswerable questions. Why? And why have these questions been explored through similar means across cultures: philosophy, politics, art, health, religion, and community.

What do these topics share? Where do they come from? And why are we all inextricably linked through them? If all of life points to the same thing, what is that thing? What makes human beings continually drawn to unanswerable questions?

We may not be able to answer the questions of human existence, but we can explore the space between ourselves with curiosity and live within the paradox. In living in the paradox I believe we can find Coherence, but in order to understand what it means to live a Coherent life, we need to understand the aspects that make up Coherence.

Step 1

All human beings start with three primary relationships: one to the self, one to other, and one to source. While none of these relationships are particularly easy to define, the relationship to self is perhaps the most accessible. We all exist solely inside of our own heads and we are the only person we will consistently live with for our whole lives. Further than this, when you think of who you are, how much of that person exists within your own mind or in the minds of other people? In your soul?

The relationship to other is surprisingly complicated. While it may seem self explanatory that we are in relationship to one another, we are also constantly duped into thinking that the relationship with other is different than the relationship to self, and vice versa.

The relationship to source is perhaps the most investigated but also the most personal. What do you believe is your [our] origin? What does it have to do with a higher power? And what does that mean for how you live your life?

Step 2

In addition to the three primary relationships, there exists a secondary set of relationships that arises in the interplay between each primary relationship. Between self and other we find values, between other and source we find space, and between source and self we find purpose.

The space between who we are and who others are comes our values. Almost directly rooted in the concept of The Golden Rule. How we treat other people is a direct reflection of ourselves; of how we truly think of ourselves, of how we allow ourselves to be treated, and of how we value human life.

In between others and source is space. When I think of space, I think of multiplicity. What can fill this space? How many dimensions of self can exist within the gap between source and other. This is where we get all sorts of group think - for good or bad - like religion and church, social expectation, and cultural norms. This is also where we see a less human, more innate space including nature, energy, and breath.

The final secondary relationship is purpose which arises between self and source. When you think about the reason you are here - religious, spiritual, or not - it will always relate to our roots. This can include science, metaphysics, and spirituality, but it must include introspection and a relationship to this life time.

Step 3

When we layer the primary and secondary relationships on top of each other, we can begin to see a sequence of sacred geometry form. Each of the primary and secondary relationships are given a hexagon which forms a ring of hexagons around the central concept of Coherence.

Each of these relationships are also extremely ephemeral concepts, that we all have very specific engagement with, but that each will always be defined in our own terms.

Step 4

While each of these metaphysical concepts are important, Coherence arises in the step between ephemeral concept and lived principle. When we pair the primary and secondary relationship concepts with practical action, we get the main lived aspects of Coherence: Wellbeing, Philosophy, Community, Justice, Spirituality, and Creativity.

Each of these lived aspects have been assigned a symbol within The Cohere Collective for ease of communication and visual representation, as shown in the diagram on the left.

Step 5

The next step of the Coherence system brings back the triangular lines connecting each hexagon, along with additional lines to show the interconnected nature of each aspect and how every element must be understood in a broader context.

When we are well, we can better create community. When we live in a supportive community, we have more energy to connect to spirituality. When we are connected to spirituality, our wellness improves.

When we understand our values we can better advocate for justice. When we advocate for justice, we are in touch with our purpose. When we are in touch with our purpose, we can better identify our values.

Step 6

The next step of The Coherence System expands on the nature of sacred geometry. The system relies on the concept that sacred geometry is ever expanding and calls us to see our Coherence as a growing and ever-evolving process.

In this ever-evolving process, we can see further aspects develop as tertiary relationships.

Step 7

Removing the lines and just looking at the hexagonal shape of sacred geometry, we can see how the triangle makes up the hexagon and the hexagon is every expanding in making up new more powerful hexagons. This pattern is mathematically known as the Fibonacci Sequence.

Step 8

A final visual aid allows us to the the triangular and hexagonal nature of sacred geometry and how the expansive nature of the Fibonacci Sequence is built into the fiber of The Coherence System. This is because of the way this shape and order shows up across our universe. Within our atoms and DNA, within sunflowers and honeycombs, within the patterns of our solar system. We are Coherent inside and out, expansively inwardly and outwardly.