About Last Week…
To try and put my experience of this last week into words, It felt a bit like emotional whiplash, but also like leveling up.
Well, several things I’ve been working on and thinking about finally clicked in my mind. And not just clicked like I gained an explanation, or I understood the next step. But these seemingly disparate puzzle pieces all finally clicked - together. I had been working on these separate things and they all came together in one beautiful picture.

Chosen Family: In Conversation with Paige Brown (My Mom)
“The world needs what every single person has to offer.” - Paige Brown
We can’t choose who we are biologically related to, but we can choose our family. This blog post explores the way a podcast can expose and unveil different dimensions of relationship, and how healthier parent-child relationships develop.

The Philosophy of Explainable Artificial Intelligence: In Conversation with Eli Laird
“Technology is always changing but are humans?” - Eli Laird
Human beings are in a constant state of flux, but it seems that there are some things that remain constant about the human condition. What happens when we add artificial intelligence to the mix? What questions does it raise and are there any questions that it answers?

Beginning Anew: An Interview with Reese Brown
Season 2 of Making Meaning begins with an Interview of host Reese Brown by past guest Sophie Alford! This season premier mirrors the first episode of Making Meaning with exploring Reese’s personal experiences and motivations for starting the podcast and founding The Cohere Collective.

Serendipitously Reflecting: In Conversation with JJ DiGeronimo
“We are the only ones who can honor ourselves and our whispers.” - JJ DiGeronimo
Author, speaker, lightworker, and career coach JJ DiGeronimo has spent her work focusing on helping women raise their frequency. How do we do this? By listening to our “whispers.” Read this blog to learn more about JJ’s work, and what it has meant for The Cohere Collective!
Forging Identity Through Creativity: In Conversation with Macy Pearl
“I want to write songs that point to something greater than me.” - Macy Pearl
Musician and singer/songwriter Macy Pearl approaches music and her creative process from a place of vulnerability, spirituality, and the desire to spread joy. This blog explores Macy’s take on creativity and the lessons each of us can take from it.

Finding Synchronicities in the Seemingly Disparate: In Conversation with Nina Simons
“May we too learn to embrace all our ways of knowing - listening for the wisdom of the body, heart, intuition, and mind.” - Nina Simons
Nina Simons, author and Bioneers Co-Founder, and I were able to discuss the power of embracing our connection to nature, our femininity, and the way applying philosophical concepts to our daily lives can help us live more in alignment with who we are and who we want to be. Check out The Cohere Collective’s latest blog post to learn more!
Academia and Information Construction: In Conversation with Dallas Brister and Nataly Dickson from The PhD To Be Podcast
“Our society is continuously arguing who is more valuable when we are all equally valuable.” - Nataly Dickson
“Faith is an integral part of why I’m motivated to be an advocate for justice.” - Dallas Brister
The university and academic systems or loci of information construction in our world. In order to better understand the information and media we consume, and the biases that go into that information, we must investigate the roots of academia. Further, as students, it is important to consider our role, for better or for worse, in this system.

Being and Becoming: In Conversation with Kaitlyn Cahill
“I do everything I can to live a life led by love.” - Kaitlyn Cahill
As humans, we are constantly being and becoming, simultaneously. But how do we harness this comportment to help us live in alignment and in service of others? This blog post discusses the way we all can better live lives with love at the forefront.

The Frameworks of Meaning: In Conversation with Cedric James
“I was bad enough for long enough, but I’m thankful I stayed strong enough until I was good enough.” - Cedric James
Everything we choose to incorporate into our lives can impact the way we grow personally, and help others along their journey. This blog explores the way frameworks can help us to better serve those around us as we all craft meaning.

Making Meaning as Members of a Society: In Conversation with Emma Frampton
“Different parts of society play different roles in our journey.” - Emma Frampton
Our positionally within this world necessarily impacts our relationships with society, other people, and ourselves. This blog post explores the ways the interchange between living an examined life and being an agent of change can create meaning.
Do We Have Free Will?: In Conversation with Mike Brown (My Dad)
“The meaning of life is to get cookies.” - Mike Brown
Our relationships, personal responsibility, and life path can all have an impact on the way we live our life. But how do we know that everything we do is within our control? In this blog post we explore how the philosophical questions of control and free will are linked to the way we live our lives every day.

An Active Journey Towards Peace: In Conversation with Bill Draheim
“Competition is a stepping stone towards peace.” - Bill Draheim
Achieving peace may take action along the way. This post explores professional sailor and sail maker Bill Draheim’s personal take on pursuing passion and achieving peace.

The Interchange Between Identity and Worldview: In Conversation with Tyler McCall
“I believe things come from people.” - Tyler McCall
This blog post explores our personal definition of self, how we form beliefs, and the way those two things interact.

The Creative Embrace of Uncertainty: In Conversation with Warren Lester
“My plan evolved once I started putting myself in the picture.” - Warren Lester
Exploring creativity, uncertainty, and design thinking, this blog post is a resource for anyone trying to figure out their next step.

Self Love in the Season of Love: In Conversation with Maya Francis
“We can all grow from actively working on how we attach ourselves to other people.” - Maya Francis
This blog post explores our personal connection to love and romance, why defining holidays for ourselves is important, and the value of vulnerable conversations.

Ways to Practice Spirituality: In Conversation with Robin Von Schwarz
“Meditate, be still, and listen to God.” - Robin Von Schwarz
This blog post explores the way mindfulness and spiritual practices can inform and improve our daily lives and relationships.

How Death Can Improve Life: In Conversation with Kate Jerrier
“I don’t fit in to one religious box and I don’t try to.” - Kate Jerrier
From tarot readings to Catholicism, this blog explores the way bringing together seemingly disparate aspects of spirituality can help each of us make meaning.

How to Take Charge of Your Life: In Conversation with Stephanie Waite
“There’s a million different ways one person can live.” - Stephanie Waite

Using Buddhist Principles to Explore Meaning: In Conversation with Lauren Bush
“You have the power to imbue every experience you have with meaning.” - Lauren Bush