How to Be a Healthy Healer with Savi Davidson
Savvy thank you so much for being here sitting down taking the time energy to do this with me I am so thrilled and excited thank you I'm so glad to be here yes thank you so you just listen to Leila's session but we start what is one thing you're grateful for right
now I'm very grateful for the synchronistic blessings it seems like everything recently has been playing out so beautifully everything is for a reason even the moments where you doubt you know yourself you doubt others or you get get hurt physically or emotionally those moments are bringing the positive moments into balance because you can't have one without the other so I'm very thankful for these synchronistic moments where my eyes have been opened to how everything is interconnected and everything is playing out for the highest and greatest good of all yeah and I love that you say for all right because that does include you and me it includes well it's all but I think so often for me it's like my highest and greatest good my perfect comfort and Alignment but it's like it is for all and we are an infinite piece of this infinite interconnectedness so yes I love that you say all um second question to really Kickstart us what is your story and it's big one feel free to share whatever you feel called to share in this moment well thank you for asking um stories are really important before I go into mine I would like to preface that please it's so interesting I feel like as humans we have this need for our individual stories in some ways that could be the ego wanting us to feel important or seen or you know really powerful you know yeah but my story is just one of human experience and I don't relate to it near as much as I used to because it's not I mean every experience plays into who I am now but it's not something that I identify with because if I did I would be a completely different person right now so currently I am a rike practitioner at residence Wellness I just got done taking Ricky 2 and that certification class was really powerful for me so it was a full day of practicing raiki learning raiki symbols which are ancient tools that U Maui which is the founder of raiki in Japan created and they were around even before him but he really brought them to light when he started teaching raiki in the early '90s and and um and so raiki 2 is very very powerful modality it's a playoff of raike one but it incorporates these symbols that like one is for power and enhancing the raiki capabilities one is for bringing to light emotional patterns anything emotionally that may be blocking the energetic body and the others for longdistance raike and so all of these were taught in this course and at the end and you get an Attunement which an Attunement is bringing somebody energetically into the alignment of the raiki channel so Reiki is actually known as the universal life force and as a raike practitioner I imagine opening myself to this Universal energy which is not my own it just simply flows through me right to the person on the table or chair and it is unconditional love and healing and that's you know I even get a treatment myself as I do raiki right so um raiki is really really special but it's not where I'm where I'm stopping it's it's only like the beginning when I was a kid I had an amazing childhood of course we always have things that you know events or traumatic happenings that are really just lessons for us bringing us to our ultimate potential but you know mine were um hard to understand and recently this understanding of like I had to go through this in order to get to where I am is something that I've let go of more because I'm just so grateful for it but in the moment it was really really hard and so for a long time as a kid I kind of disassociated I kind of blocked these painful memories and throughout the years I was trying to get back to you know when I was supposed to be developing myself and my personality and who I am in this world as a kid I was going through trauma and that that was really really hard for me because it's like where where did I begin and where you know am I going right you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you're coming from exactly totally so you know and and besides these events like I had a really good childhood um but it was it was a moment that I had I think a year ago where my eyes were suddenly opened and I completely disconnected from that story of like I went through this and I couldn't trust my father and you know I blamed my mom for some things and like I had to one I had to have a conversation with my mom I had to have you know re interaction with my father to really heal those wounds but on a deep emotional level it took myself knowing myself intimately really not being afraid of those hard emotions because it can't be all peace love and joy all the time you have to go through that in order to get to the other side so raiki has helped me with that but even before I got into raiki I had this moment where I knew that my mission on this Earth is to bring healing for others absolutely but for myself first M because I've always been one to do things for others and I still am you know but putting myself priority has been a game Cher for that so now that I and and I'm still going through it every day and I will continue to I'm sure for a very long time if not forever but after going through my healing Journey I'm able to detach from myself and who I think I'm supposed to be like the authenticity you were talking about MH the truest self without criticizing myself for being hard on myself get to that place and then teach others how to so I heal with raiki and then I also want to empower others and teach others this this is The Enlightenment this is it yeah totally totally it's everything can be a tool right and hearing you say that like raiki is a big part of this right but it's not where you're stopping it's not the Capstone of your work or your mission um it's a piece of it it's a way to um engage with it but it's not um it um capital I it um and I think think you're so right in the sense that um when we tell stories our ego really does want that to be important um I feel that every day where i'm like my I absolutely relate to your mission of wanting to help others from my place of healed wholeness yes um exactly but in a ego free way and trying to find that balance in prioritizing the self and making sure that you know everyone knows the put your own mask on first and then you help the person next to you but to actually practice that is much much harder in a true sense um and then to be able to help others from that place without it being about ego is it's hard for me sometimes to identify which place I'm coming from and making sure that I'm doing that from a place of compassion and wholeness and not I keep using the word ego but ego what is that balance like for you in this journey of helping people and taking care of yourself but from a place of um wholeness and not lack that's a really good
question well one I would say the ego tends to see self-care as vain or conceited and that is where insecurity lies the ego is insecure we ourselves as beings as pure light Consciousness on this planet we don't come into this world with insecurity that is our ego the ego wants us to be hard on ourselves yeah and not take care of ourselves and focus on everybody else not and not even in a loving way it's just like what did they think of me what what does this person want from me what can I do for them in order to receive this letting that completely go letting the ego go has been probably the biggest and hardest part of this journey because the ego loves suffering it literally feeds on pain and the ego is what we think of when we are in the most heightened state of not awareness unawareness that is when we are trying to listen to someone and the ego is thinking is judging or is thinking what how can I reply to this person instead of totally Letting Go listening intently or listening with healing healing itself so for me the Journey of the ego I've really had to nurture my ego from the observer's point of view so like I Am The Observer of the Observer yeah does that make sense ego is what we see the world through and I have to take a step back from that and it helps through meditation and through like constant presence in every moment and with that presence is me being able to see the ego's reactions and then putting that to the side in a loving way and coming from my most authentic and highest self yeah in terms of couple thoughts one stepping back and observing The Observer is so so powerful um and I think even from a more like clinical perspective that's what you teach in like cognitive behavioral therapy as a way to improve Behavior right but also in the spiritual sense it is a way to realign with like you just said your most authentic highest self and not letting um your trauma your um experiences in just this one lifetime color your interactions you are trying to approach it clean yeah um and I think that is so beautiful and also ties into what Dr dittle was just speaking about in terms of constant meditation yeah um Dr D's episode will be coming out before savvy so if you haven't listened to it yet go listen to it um but she mentioned um how meditation for her has really become this kind of daily constant practice of always trying to find awareness I think stepping out of your immediate reaction into the Observer is such a powerful tool for doing that um which I think is beautiful in terms of finding authenticity the lie that I tell myself a lot of the time is that the ego actually is authentic because it's your first reaction or that whatever that gut Primal reaction is is more authentic and that choosing something else feels fake right right thoughts on that there is a difference between you telling yourself and the ego telling yourself and there's also a difference between intuition and innate reaction innate wisdom is intuition your first reaction often times is what you have been programmed to think or do or say or feel there are thought patterns there are emotional patterns all of that plays a role based on your previous Human Experience and what your peers have told you and your parents and teachers and friends have influenced through you all of that plays a role into your initial reaction but but that's where the meditation comes in the constant meditation where instead of in this survival state that is this reaction based on what you in the past have always had to do in order to survive or get or belong or seem authentic yes once you get past that and let that go through a constant state of feeling love for yourself not your ego self your true self that is the intuition that arises if you allow it to flow and open your mind that is the higher self and I really do feel like you know it's hard to talk about the ego because the ego gets triggered by the ego and it's like heyy I see you like no no no this is is not true yeah no and it's so it's it's difficult to learn about and like speak about but I really do feel like we every day we have the potential for like total presence and that connection it like when we open ourselves to the flow the Divine flow which is unconditional love like without judgment we're not judging ourselves or others then like the ego has no place for that you know we're we're letting go and filling it back up with that resonance yeah like Dr D was talking about yeah totally how do you parse out the difference between that intuition innate knowledge and response how do those feel different to you
yeah I heard this saying once and it was like before you say something think or ask yourself is this true is this kind how does this help and if not one of those is yes then it doesn't need to be said and that is probably not your Intuition or your highest self so I think that every time I speak and I also it takes self-awareness if you are not if we are not self-aware as reactive creatures then we are totally disconnected from that place of Truth and authenticity you know I mean it takes courage to be vulnerable yeah it also takes self-awareness to bring out the vulnerability that is true yes that is chosen righta I think so often because like authenticity vulnerability are these really like hot button Concepts right now and I think that's what we all want right is to love and be loved authentically um but even that want I think does come a little bit from ego and wanting that to be like stroked and plated a little bit um but that there's often this misconception of authenticity meaning I don't have to do the work I'm just whatever comes right and I think that in a certain sense once you have reached a place of being able to just let yourself be that's great however I think also it takes work and time and energy and choice and intention to show up truthfully in order to let the truth just be yeah how do you conceptualize of that kind of difference between letting be truthfully and letting
be I don't necessarily want to say unhealthily but in this sense that's um the really the best way I can frame it is like in high school I totally remember this being like um either you're fake or you're real you know and it's like well it's not necessarily fake to observe and make a different choice right that's actually the most authentic realist form of our highest self rising in that moment however I think there's also a lot of value placed on not being fake yeah thoughts yeah I'm like I'm not framing these as questions anymore I'm just saying conversation and I love these conversations because they're so real um that reminds me of an experience that was exactly about that when I was a kid actually like several experiences over time but the very first experience experience that I had with being real versus being fake um was somebody came up to me I think in the courtyard during a break I was in junior high and I don't I so I was like 12 or 13 at the time and I remember them saying to
me something about you're always happy all the time like everyone has said this is just fake like yeah you seem so fake because you're not no one can be happy all the time and I was just like I was stunned I was speechless I didn't know what to say I was just like well this is how I feel like is that not enough sorry this is how I feel yeah yeah and that's so crazy to think like this this peaceful Blissful feeling doesn't doesn't seem real because not enough people allow themselves to feel that way and that's what it is isn't it I had an extremely similar experience where someone came up to me and was like I don't think I've ever seen you without a smile on your face and I so you saying that was totally like talk about the synchronicities like I was just like whoa um but I'm like you know that's probably true at least at that time in my life right and I think I've um changed and elevated to a place where um my positivity is of a healthier version of it than it used to be but at that time in my life that really was such a part of who I am and who I wanted to be was someone who was 100% of the time a positive light period I'm not going to burden anyone else with things which comes with its own set of um struggles and things that needed to be healed and worked through to be authentic right but someone coming up and saying there's no way this is real and it being like well was it real this morning when I woke up that I just woke up with a smile on my face no I I was tired and all of the things but on the drive here today did I say my affirmations and remind myself of the things to be grateful for and of the person that I want to be and how I feel that I'm here to help spread positivity it's like yeah I did so I got there exactly it's a conscious Choice yeah totally really is and at that time I will say that was also purely inner child Bliss because there is definitely a difference between now as adults we choose to be happy we choose to be Greatful despite everything we've been through and everything that we could see as problems in our lives right and there is a difference between the pure inner child that is so naturally happy despite because children are not near as programmed and they are not programmed they don't come into this life with like negativity and oh I I hate that this happened to me today like victimizing and all of that they're naturally light beings and that pure happiness that pure joy followed me until I needed to deal with my childhood trauma that is where the smile on my face was hiding pain and I was people pleasing yes and then I had to really go through some really hard times that's where the depression of teenagers comes in a lot of the time where they are consciously trying not to heal trauma but like subconsciously it is affecting every decision that they make and every person that they're friends with with so then that time comes to heal that but I will say like I I really didn't have a whole lot of friends growing up because I couldn't stand as a child I couldn't stand being around the the choices that those humans made to to allow their suffering to be so present all the time because I didn't want to allow it to affect me yeah so yeah I had to struggle through some certain friendships sure and like be really lonely and then find a huge group of friends where none of them were close friends and I was just anxious for like people to hang out with because I thought I was losing my teens and then go through losing all of those friends to
realize I am my own best friend and then I attract people that are reflections of myself because everything in our reality is a reflection of what's going on inside of our head yeah well and that's so true of how we are all living a different reality and really needing to settle into someone else is living their reality too and they are seeing me through the reflection of themselves and making space for that and knowing that like I am a part of their like they are the main character in their story as much as I am that in mine and I should be the best you know sidekick or random Cameo or you know whatever that role ends up being that I can be to serve their path and journey talking about the teenagerhood and friendships especially I think think it's so interesting that for you that was such a moment
the not feeling the need to um like push or choose happiness or um an intention there until you were dealing with healing that childhood trauma that was not an eloquent way to say that but I think you know what I mean thank you um
but the main thing I want to talk about is inner child work and how so much of that is so healing for us as adults and I think that it's really framed as inner child healing a lot of the time and you have to heal your inner child when so much of like inner child work for me has felt like returning to my inner child and yes of course there is like healing that needs to happen there but um not seeing the Brokenness of who that inner child is but seeing the wholeness of who we all are um innately yeah and returning to that I would love your take on inner child work and how your perspective shifted when you started really healing some of that childhood trauma yeah I appreciate how you said that it's not the Brokenness but it's the wholeness it's not the lack of it is the fact that there is that's really important because all healing is simply a remembrance it's not constructing back it is remembering who we are as healed beings and I think that's part of the Enlightenment Journey as well we are remembering our gifts we are remembering how beautiful we are inside and out we are realizing that these bodies and our experiences do not make up who we are it is the Consciousness and being inside of us and being stands for like presence the state of awareness so inner child work is is important um I think the inner child one can always be healed with Reiki you can always and that's what's so beautiful about the universal life force healing energy is that you can project it not only into this present moment but into the past and into the Future something that I've had to go back and do is go back to my past speak to seven-year-old Savvy and hug her and nurture her while she is crying because I didn't have anybody to do that in that moment whenever I was seven doing that was more healing than anything that I have dealt with in the past five years of my self-growth journey because the child part of ourselves is the pure form of how we've developed into who we are now so the inner child is something that you can always speak to it is part of you it is you and it is simply the Purity and the innate loving being that is part of you this idea that the inner child is always a part of us I think is so important because so often I think when people talk about inner child work they talk about it as though the inner child is separate from you um and I I think you hear this thing where it's like I had to go back and hug and nurture my younger self and it is so healing but being aware that you are also doing that for that piece of you now exactly I think is
also recognizing that it is a radical Act of self-love and that even in projecting it as oh it's younger me it's still a way to disconnect it from taking care of yourself right that it's like it has to be about this other aspect of me that's not who I am anymore um because the ego comes in and says it's selfish or conceited or narcissistic to love yourself and take care of yourself um so I love that that it is yes your younger self who is also here with you right now in this present moment um you were also talking about being and kind of your conception and definition of of being and something that as in English and philosophy major language fascinates me um and I have always been hung up on how we have turned the word being which is a verb a doing word into a noun a human being it's now a noun fundamentally we are verbs right we turned it into this like stagnant thing um so I would love to hear more about how you really think about being and more about your definition of that yeah we are verbs we so funny yeah and I love that you ask the the important questions and the deeper questions because these are things that I'm so passionate about sharing about recently I was reading The Power of Now at CTO very profoundly powerful book that
book basically explains the foundational concept of being and whenever I was I actually was reading this yesterday I was on a plane flying back from um the Georgia Beach which is so cool that I manifested this opportunity to travel recently to the beach but I was reading this book The Power of Now and it was explaining the conscious Act of bringing all of your energy back to yourself in this moment no matter where your thought may be or your energy may be you bring it back to yourself you feel your diaphragm expanding and Contracting with every deep breath and you imagine the white white light being of this part of self it is not your physical form it is not your ego it's not your inner child it's not your Shadow Self it is the innate presence of this Consciousness that is separate from logical thought this
presence it remains under the Stillness of every moment it is present through every interaction and Human Experience it is present in pain and suffering and it is present in Bliss and peacefulness and you don't even have to be meditating to feel this just taking a second whether your eyes are open or closed disconnecting from the reality that is 3D around us that literally manifested in physical form but it's all energy and coming back to your own
energy this goes back to knowing yourself intimately but if you can feel the peaceful love that
is your Consciousness projected in this 3D reality I truly feel like that is foundationally present
everything that you just said I think is so important to like you said it's it's foundational to everything in that presence is the foundation of every moment but also the awareness for us of presence being the foundation is also the foundation for us to grow in our own Journeys right it is both like metaphysically and personally found found AAL yeah at least that's how I interact with it um and one piece that you said was um it's a part of innately and intimately knowing the self and I love the use of the word intimately and there's so many words again going back to being fascinated with language right that get that get I think misused often and you hear the word intimacy and people associate it with like romantic intimacy or like passionate physical intimacy um but that's not what intimate really means that is how it can be used but it is actually really deep inner connection and understanding right when you're being really intimate with someone it is intense vulnerability um talk to me a little bit more about your understanding of intimately knowing yourself and what that Journey has been like for you to intimately get to know
yourself intimacy
is at the basis of intimacy is true inner
knowing by feeling so deeply connected to someone or something that you become one with
it the idea of
intimacy has really come from a place
of Letting Go like you were talking about earlier once I let go of holding myself back because I was a was afraid to confront the darker deeper harsher parts of myself I was able to step
into the part of myself that wants so badly to be intimately
known getting to know that part of myself has built a relationship with the self that I know as
savvy and it all I had to do was literally be open and just listen yeah to myself listen to my thoughts cutting out all of the distractions in our outside world like music that is constantly playing it seems conversation that is used to fill silence TVs that we play whenever we get home instead of sitting with ourselves and thinking how did I feel today what do I need to process right now cutting out those distractions and coming back into the present body to feel every emotion and Sensation that comes
up that is intimacy in itself it doesn't matter if you are touching yourself physically which is equally as important connecting to my divine feminine flow has been something that I have had to come back into terms with yeah after the trauma that I had in my childhood where I was disconnected from my feminine side because of survival now coming back to that is part of my intimacy Journey allowing myself pleasure is a really really big one pleasure from somebody else too which I thought I wouldn't ever get back to um well and talk about vulnerability right in order to allow that to arise exactly um and it's interesting in you saying like this part of yourself that wants so deeply to be seen wholly right to really be seen and I just relate to that feeling so much of like wanting to be just fully understood and this intimacy with self is you know what if no one else sees or understands I hold that space for myself exactly I will always see myself and honor that piece of me that needs that right yeah but there is this other dimension and how beautiful it is when you can find other people whether it be familial friendship romantic or otherwise relationships that also hold space for you to be seen and see you in ways that you might not have the the perspective to see yourself yeah that's a really good point I think we as we ourselves are the ones if no one else that will deeply understand ourselves the most yes that was something that in childhood you know I really wanted was to be seen and understood but now with the the closest that I've developed the self relationship which is more important than any other relationship we have I now feel seen and understood that goes back to being the Observer of the Observer that's the outside perspective yes you can get it from other people and that takes vulnerability as well intimacy with other people is not only physical it's also emotional intimacy totally totally and being vulnerable with other people that takes courage but in yourself being vulnerable to be intimate and get to know yourself you can so perspectives come like you can see yourself from a totally different point of view and that is powerful then you can step into your power yes yes absolutely um and this idea just hearing you say um that that was especially something you wanted in childhood I'm like me too that was all I wanted as a little kid was just to be seen right and everything that that carries um and how powerful it has been for me to grow up and realize I didn't need someone else to give that to me like how many things are we looking for externally that we can give to ourselves not everything like relationships I think are extremely important of course and you can't give everything just to yourself but feeling seen and understood absolutely is one of those things and it's like there is something so intrinsically powerful to holding space for yourself so I love that yeah love that I love that abolutely it's nurturing yes talking a little bit about embracing your femininity and like the Divinity of the feminine um because that's been a really interesting Journey for me too um both in terms of like the physical body being women but also the energy of the Divine woman and embracing both the masculine and feminine energies that we all carry within us I would love to hear more about your journey with that yeah that's a really good topic because the body is is separated what the body is one but the left side is feminine and the right side is masculine so in as a practitioner with raiki I notice based on the trauma or the injuries that someone has had energetically with the feminine or the masculine often times it presents itself as physical injury or blocks in the body interesting yes so I'm actually about to go to California for an emotional decoding class this class is going to allow me to understand the programming the habitual thought patterns and the emotional codes that make up the human self based on everything that we've gathered informationally throughout our life with my feminine that part of myself was contracted a little bit because I didn't feel safe in childhood and I heard I heard somewhere somebody said the the feminine wants to feel safe and the masculine wants to feel respected that is really interesting because within the two parts of our s comes Duality that's where the yin and yang comes in Yang is the masculine the white light with the the darker inside of it the yin is the feminine energy with the Blackness and then the light the spark of life life force inside those come together in the body to create beautiful harmonic balance of feminine and masculine and whenever one gets energy drained energetically drained or energetically overly excessive it has to come back into balance systems in the body energetically emotionally or physically can be thrown off by this disrance this disbalance so on my journey whenever my feminine side especially recently has been really flourishing ing because I've allowed it to before that I had to really come to terms with I am safe to be feminine I'm safe to be feminine and I think all women should remember this and repeat this because in a world where sexual sexuality is such a big thing often times we don't feel safe to be feminine because we're worried that we will be hurt somehow but whenever I came to terms with the fact that I am so divinely protected I manifest my experiences in reality I had to shift Focus from feeling unsafe and constantly having my guard up to releasing my guard especially toward masculine people that don't even have to be men in order to have deeper relationships more authentic conversations where I wasn't constantly guarding myself and the energies interacting between every human especially during a conversation people's energies are interacting and whenever my feminine is around masculine in the past it has been more guarded and so I had to know myself intimately meditate find the presence within and then also allow myself to expand that side of myself because my masculine was overcompensating in past relationships which is why I went through toxic relationships one of the reasons my masculine was overcompensated because I didn't feel safe to be feminine and so in return that balance of polarity brought my partner to be more feminine which is so interesting it's all psychological and emotional and spiritual physical has very little to do with it but I'm in a relationship now which is so amazing where I feel I feel very safe to be feminine and he feels empowered to be masculine because of that and so I've learned a lot in this relationship but before I got into it I had to embody the divine feminine in order to attract the opposite energy that was bringing that balance back to one interesting isn't it so interesting how it's both and in terms of attracting the opposite energy that is also attracting same energy right because it's bringing it back into balance um and it's like when you are balanced here then you will attract the balance in the other person but knowing that you are safe and accepted and whole and you can show up as whoever you are that day that moment yeah and that allows that for the other person that you can find that balance but you can also find your dissimilarities that pull you together how cool that is so cool that's a really good way to frame it yeah love that um I want to dive a little bit more into raiki yeah um I guess I just would love to hear more about your journey in discovering raiki realizing that this was a tool you wanted to use to achieve the things you want to achieve to grow in the way you want to grow to heal and help the people you want to heal and help um and how it has helped you personally along your journey as you've helped other people yes that's such a beautiful inquiry um I will have all of the listeners know that reys brown was my very first raiki patient you're kidding I don't think I you know that you were my very first person I worked on right after my certification wait that is okay why am I like proud I'm like that's so cool wait I feel like I need a badge of honor that's so cool thank you I will carry it with me always yeah you were my recation wow yeah and your experience was so beautiful and so open that literally that in itself I knew I wanted to do Ricky but that was so encouraging for me and inspiring to continue on that path cuz you know the first experience of really anything makes the biggest impression in your mind it sticks with you and your experience was so healing and like if you don't mind me sharing you know you shed some tears you know you your body was experiencing the energy the energetic flow as certain chakra points in the body were opening and I remember thinking whenever you came up off the table and you were like wiping your tears and you were like that was so beautiful I remember thinking like you did that healing but I held the space and I'm so honed as a raiki practitioner something that I keep in mind is I am not the one doing the healing I am simply allowing this space holding this beautiful safe healing space and allowing the healing energy and Life Force to flow through me for your healing for the people's healing that's very encouraging for me because you know I I don't want to take the I don't want to take that that affirmation and make it my own as if like I'm doing the healing it is it is the person allowing it and I always begin my raiki sessions with imagine yourself opening to receive the healing and I always end it with thank you so much for receiving and thank you for trusting me and throughout this past year because I really got my certification of officially at the very beginning of this year 2023 throughout this past year I throughout my healing journey in itself I've unlocked I feel more and more my my abilities um and so I'll find that like my hands get really warm during the raiki session my arms get tingly I feel the flow of love and healing and that is how I know like the raiki force is so present and prominent flowing through me it took because it's not super a tangible therapy I do hands on and hands off and I sometimes do a light massage or movement as the body needs but it it didn't begin as super tangible and so I've had to really you know trust myself with it now that I fully trust myself the possibilities are Limitless sometimes because I every time I go into a riy session I connect with the person's energetic Fields I open myself my intuition to what they need and so sometimes I give messages throughout the session of you know certain codes to help them release emotional blockages and you know affirmations that help release the Shakra bring it back into balance or sometimes I'm just so silent I'm allowing them to meditate it really depends on what they their body tells me it needs but as I move I become one with them and I'm grounded and yet I am expanded and every time somebody comes off the table their energy is just so light and they feel truly at peace every time that happens I'm just like I want to do this for everyone in the world yeah oh my gosh yeah the biggest thing about that is somebody has to be ready yeah to receive and accept ready for the healing ready to receive it exactly so I oftentimes I don't mention Ricky unless somebody brings it up um you know I do introduce myself especially in networking events like I am a raiki practitioner but I never say do you want raiki unless somebody absolutely needs it because when they do want it or are ready to receive they will come to me yeah so put out the intention that all clients that come to me resonate with me because I am not for everyone and not everyone is for me and that's okay especially as a practitioner I have to keep that in mind because it's not like I want all of the clients you know bring them to me like I want to work on everyone it is those who are aligned with me at this moment in time and so I've set the intention that everyone who comes in the door once they walk into my clinic it is healing space it is the journey has begun before they even lay on to the table which is so beautiful in itself um and so that alignment is really beautiful and you know raiki for me every time I do a session I receive raiki healing as well because instead of giving my own energy it is the unlimited Quantum energy and going into quantum physics like all timelines are aligned and all energy is constantly present and can constantly be converted into healing energy so quantumly that is what what's happening but
tangibly I use the raiki symbols and I've used them for a long time and I open myself for this Channel and then I just simply lay my hands and the person's body pulls in the energy as it needs and the energy flows to where it needs to go in the body to certain organ systems certain chakras any injuries they may have to the brain to balance the thoughts you know raiki is really good for improving sleep and like helping people stop overthinking so many things those are just some of them but as the practitioner I also receive the healing myself because it's like a bucket raiki flows into me once my bucket is overflowed it flows into the person and then I am just the channel for that extra energy interesting interesting yeah so in quantum mechanics is vastly fascinating to me um and I think a really big part of what you were just talking about that just clicked and made so much sense is that everything um follows the laws of physics right energy exists within physics and um if there is an empty space it is a vacuum and things flow to fill it right like that is we know that if you have a container and you pour water into it it fills the container until it overflows and water is molecules and atoms just like energy is so thinking about it like flow the the body almost like sucking it up like a vacuum but it's like that is what it's doing because it is creating a vacuum right that is so interesting to me yeah um a couple other things that I wanted to share um every single time we've had a Riki session I've had like a slightly different um experience than the time before which I think is beautiful and speaks to your work and your ability to align with your client and with the moment right and that nothing no session will ever be the same right and so I think that really speaks to your skill um and the space that you hold yeah um in our first session I don't think I told you this but it's so funny hearing you talk about like sharing these codes or messages or downloads or whatever that may be because I remember I kept like having my mind was like blank and then sentences or phrases would pop into my mind 2 3 seconds you would say them wa and I was like wow weird but also really cool yeah that's amazing yeah and I was like okay so that is a message from my body from my higher self Savvy fully read that knew that I needed that and was making sure that I listened to it and it was one of the moments that also for me helped me identify what that voice is for me and when I hear that like what frequency does it speak at for me and when to tune into it because I was like why else would you be able to repeat it in this moment of healing when we are in Connection in raiki energy like it has to come from a place of love and light and healing and so that was just really powerful for me wow thank you for sharing that yeah it was I it was crazy then another time I had been having really bad back pain and I have an extra vertebrae in my back which is random um but it causes more instability just because there's more joints um and we finished our session and then I went to get up off the table and I like stretched before I did and I just went Boop and popped all the way down my back and I was like she's done it again she has done it again yeah and I stood up and I was like I felt like 3 in taller um yeah it it's so truly truly it is so powerful um and I I feel like I really am fascinated by Skeptics which I don't want to harp on the negativity of people who it's not for them or haven't AR aren't ready for it or anything like that because I'm like I don't want to bring that into the space but also I think it's really fascinating how people who choose to be in service of other deal with people who aren't ready to accept it I would love to hear a little bit about your experience with that if if you have had experience with that and maybe how you describe raiki to people who have no conception of um energy or energy work at all yes yeah I think that's really important because there are always going to be people who who and I like how you worded it they're not ready to accept it it's not a belief system it's more a modality it's a tool it's a technique of healing so a good instance recently that I experienced because there have been multiple people throughout my line of work that have questioned and just quite frankly like can't conceptualize the fact that raiki works and how it works yeah so recently I was in London and I was traveling for a conference a biohacking conference which is so cool in itself talk is really cool yeah it was in Amsterdam and it was like 2,000 people super cool um but before I got there I was in London and I was at this shop it was like half Cafe half tattoo shop and there was a woman working there and I told her that I was a raike practitioner she asked where I was from and what I do and she was like oh that's really interesting like as a Christian I've have never fully understood how this works and can you explain it to me and so we went back and forth for like 30 minutes of her asking questions me answering and the entire time you know I could how she wasn't super open to it not nothing against her I think it was just the belief system that she has grown up in sure has not been open to the idea that healing can come from any other place except for the god that Christians believe in right which is really interesting because the god that in in all religion the God is the universal life force Creator I was I was just about to go there because that's that's totally my thing I mean I know you grew up in Arkansas but I'm like growing up in the Bible Belt in a Southern Baptist Church oh I did too okay that's the area yeah yeah it's like it's it's real and even if your family doesn't hold those beliefs you're going to get it socially you're just going to based on the culture that we're in and that was always my biggest thing with religion was like we would be in church and in worship and I'm like I'm in communion I am aligned I can feel the energy of the people around me like of course God is real you know and when I'm younger I'm like yes I'm a Christian I believe because you're feeling that energy right yeah um and then growing up and getting older and you know you question you get curious as everyone should you should stay curious um realizing that it's just one path to access that same communion Divinity life force truth you know that just goes by different names different faces different belief systems exactly um and to me at least in Christianity it's like the the number one rule is like love God love each other I'm like anyone who truly holds that belief at their heart I'm like see Reiki is channeling that same wholehearted love yeah right that Divinity that you may call the Holy Trinity or whatever terminology um a Christian would use to describe it but you just happen to use different language to talk about that I totally cut you off but I would love to hear more of this story yes yeah and to respond to what you said just now the intention is key the intention of Reiki is healing the intention of communion is feeling God's presence and when so many people have an intention of course it's going to be powerful especially because it is positive they're feeling you know God and that is God it might be a limited belief of God but it still is God and to me God is the Divine it is the creator The Source that's how it is to them too they just put it into him he who shall not be cross like all right all all the yes anyway not getting into the you know the fear-based part of it I truly do believe that like raiki energy is God energy because we are all one this is the collective that you are so passionate about and I am so passionate about and so many people are the collective we are all one so Reiki is really just bringing that universal life force back into a person by connecting to them intimately in their energetic field inappropriately and bringing that back into them just reminding theirselves how to heal reminding their heart how to love reminding their mind how to be free and open you know the intention is healing and it is love and I don't know how that could ever be bad yeah you know in the Bible it talks about Jesus's laying on of hands that was raiki that was the raiki power yeah yeah like so anyway yeah Jesus was a raiki practitioner yeah he was certified before I came into this world yeah yeah but yeah so I was explaining to this woman how it worked and you know in the end I just realized like her belief systems May at this moment in time be a little limited and that's okay she is on her own Divine path and right now that is for her highest and greatest good her intention for that is totally good I mean I assume you know and her asking questions I think is great because she's just trying to understand it but by the end you know I could tell there was disrance and I had stopped explaining it to her and I was just like I hope you have a beautiful day it was lovely to meet you and all the healing to you yeah you know and that's what I had to say to someone who wasn't ready to ready to accept it and someone who probably doesn't understand it based on their belief systems and their experience totally okay there have been other you know Skeptics people who want to understand how it works my Divine intention is that those who do want to understand they come to me and they ask because I'm I love being a teacher you know I I love being a Healer but I also love teaching and empowering others and so being able to do that for her was really special even though you know in the end whatever came out of it was for the best right well and who knows how much of an impact that really had like a year from now she may go through her own raiki practitioner training and this was like a drop in the bucket right and we don't know where in someone's path we're meeting them but I think I mean just like you said a moment ago embracing anyone with love and joy and spreading healing it's like how can that be bad it it just can't um I want to talk a little bit about so
you I'm tripping over my words in my own head um in talking about raiki energy you said you also conceive of it as God energy and I totally agree and I think within my own mind I use God as the word to refer to the universal Collective Universal Consciousness um our interconnectedness the synchronicity of being um higher Consciousness Creator Source like all of these things to me that's what god um encapsulates yeah I think that again going back to language that word means so many different things to so many different people that I also find myself hesitant to use it unless I'm in a space with someone that I know uses the word similarly of course um just because you don't want to communicate incorrectly yeah um I would love to hear more about how you define the word God yeah all of those words are definitely encapsulated in the word god whenever I intentionally manifest or say my affirmations or pray I pray every morning and every night I pray to God and my angels because we I have a soul team I have Angels around me surrounding me and guiding me and giving me blessings and all of that while I manifest my reality but when I pray I pray to God and that God is just unlimited there are no limits to God and my my personal God is so love-based that I know that God is in everything and God is in me
and I think it goes back to that Universal creative Force that's underlying in all living things and even all non-living things that is my God I I was raised in a town where you know pretty much everyone is Christian of some sort or the other you know we do have some some other like Presbyterian and and Catholics and methodists methodists for sure in Arkansas um but my mom always gave me the choice to choose what I believe in for that I have always been so grateful yeah that allowed me to expand into the possibilities Beyond religion because religion in my perspective was very limiting I saw everyone going to church every Sunday in the same outfit and you know having I mean yes they were there beautiful experiences like church is amazing you know the people that meet there can sometimes be lifelong friends and like it can be very healing it's the intention about it right but totally my intention was to grow as a person and I felt like it was just a little cap that I had to kind of Sidetrack in order to grow as a person so I I began as like I don't know what I believe as a child of course you never really know and then in high school I had many Christian friends and especially one best friend she went to church all the time so I would go with her and so I really wanted to believe in their God I really wanted to be Christian because at that moment like that was how I was fitting in the fitting in versus belonging exactly that was how I was wanting to see the world where all these other people were too cuz I felt like an outsider if I wasn't doing that totally but it just felt so not wrong it just didn't fit so strongly that eventually I was like okay I respect you and love you for your path but I'm going to go on my own not so they then I became agnostic and I was like who knows who knows what to believe I mean I could be a part of all these different religions but you know what is for my highest and greatest good I was still finding my path in the last few years since graduating school because I'm 20 very young on this journey but I really believe that age is just a number totally um I have let go of the programming and when I say programming I
mean the repeat the repeated thoughts and beliefs throughout my childhood as I was evolving as a human that have what I thought made me who I am that I'm letting go of that
programming has needed to be let go in order to realize that the universal life force that that is God transcends any human religion any human belief about what they think God is transcends any limitations between you and me this subject and that this experience and this timeline it transcends all of that God is ever pervading and that is what's so beautiful about it and that is where I am now is God works with me in me and through me in my energetic healing that happens to be called Reiki but is really just God force that is the ultimate healing I love that I think um yeah that's so powerful and religion absolutely is a social construct that puts this ever pervasive ever expansive thing it into to a container to try and make it accessible and understandable and I think that originally that probably came from a good place of wanting to help people tap into source and helping people um establish morals and values and I I think there is some good that can come however I mean depending on who you ask right but there's also been a vast amount of harm that has come from organized religion as well and I totally agree with you that something that is I love that you said ever pervading that's so like on point with the feeling of my conception of God if something is ever pervading how do you put definitions around that like you are by speaking it into existence it is crumbling like as you speak it you just can't um and so I think that's really really powerful and just continuing to stay open to it and curious is wonderful I also heard something the other day that was the word God is I I was watching the Pete the new Pete Holmes comedy special said that he heard this from the roie of ACDC I think which is so random but I love he said that he says that God is the blanket that we throw over the shape of mystery so that we can see its outline and I was like I love that because we need as human beings that are drawn to connection and communion and communication yeah we want something to be able to point to and say that's that that's what this word is right and it's like I think religion and the word God has totally become this blanket but when the thing that's underneath the blanket wants to move and expand and be I think you do have to take the blanket off yeah that's such a beautiful metaphor right in reality the idea of God Is So vast that it cannot be grasped no no yeah what a beautiful place to end I have two final questions okay um first one in light of our conversation and everything we talked about did I miss anything do we need a clarify anything do you want to round back to anything is there anything that we just didn't talk about at all that you want to talk about this is space to make sure that you feel good about the conversation thank you for holding space yes of course I I love these conversations
um I don't have anything in particular that's okay that's perfect you know I'm really excited that the emotional decoding course that I'm about to take is going to lay the foundation for the energetic healing work that I'm going to do because yes raiki is giving healing raiki is also helping those release what is blocking them from their Highest Potential and that's the potential of healing of Love of knowledge whatever it may be raiki gives and raiki can also help release because like you were talking about earlier it is a bucket once you release fear and Trauma and PTSD and triggers and those things that have just created physical illness or disease or disrance within the body or emotional guards or energetic blockages once you release all of that there is space to be filled so Reiki is really the way I do it is very somatic I help depending on the person's intention if they just want to receive healing then they can if they want to release then they can I ask the intention I ask them to keep it in mind throughout the session with that intention in mind we are manifesting the healing that looks and feels the best for them in that moment so by releasing and putting in healing is always accessible and then Reiki energy once you receive it once you are constantly open to the flow of healing so it's not just a one time thing even if you come in for one session you are always receiving that healing afterward and I think that's really beautiful that is really beautiful yes and thank you I want to say thank you for re receiving this conversation and listening so well and being such an amazing opportunistic creator of this space this is so beautiful what you were doing and I thank you I truly appreciate your mission I give you all of the support and healing is coming to you fully for this this beautiful mission that you have and everything that you're going to do this so thank you for so much yes it really
is so synchronistic and I'm just filled with such gratitude
when you find people that resonate residence Wellness resonate with that same Mission and though there may be different modalities that it all comes back to the same heart of it of the thing of the stuff um so thank you for the good stuff thank you for being in this space with me um one last final question what is one word to describe how you're feeling right
now expansive I love that I love that that's so great um that let's just end it there I think that's perfect and beautiful thank you thank you thank you so much for your time space and energy and kind words yes thank you